Welcome Messages & Leveling

Create the best Discord Server!

Moderation, Economy, Gambling, Music, Level System, Cryptocurrency, and More!



Use our amazing moderation system to carry out any moderator tasks whether is be banning / kicking people or muting people. You can even set and use your own custom mute role.

Aqua has many moderation commands to make your every day moderator tasks a breeze. Don't worry about the hassle of doing things manually, just use Aqua.



Play your favorite music from Spotify, YouTube, and even Soundcloud. You can skip, pause, resume, and even shuffle the songs in the queue.

Want to listen to some music playlists? Then use a youtube playlist and automatically queue every song in the list!

Economy & Gambling

Economy & Gambling

Use our economy system to gain money and spend it on ranks through the bot, which can be seen globally. You can show off your wealth by making it to the top 5 richest people of all bot users.

Our gambling system offers users the ability to gain vasts amount of wealth. Gamble your money on the blackjack table, or take your luck on the slot machines.

Cryptocurrency & More

Cryptocurrency & More

Use Aqua to check the current prices of the top 20 cryptocurrencies, you can even view their percentage gain or loss over the past 24 hours.

Theres tons more features to Aqua Bot that you can check out, all you have to do is invite it to your server now!